Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Good and bad day!

Hello dolls!
Today started off badly! I know that your not supposed to weigh yourself daily and usually I don't! I chose for Friday's to be my official weigh in days here at home, but the last week has been troubling me. My last official weigh in I was hitting the scale at 148.8!! I was so proud of myself, so amazed and so happy to log that weight in. Then it went up to 149.0. OK, not bad. Next thing you know I'm feeling extremely bloated! My clothes don't look the way I want them, I don't feel good and I'm weighing in at 151.5 , then 152.8 and now today 150.8. Of course I checked the calender and bam aunt Flo is due for a visit, in now 3 days. I've got the cramps, the back pain, the headache and def. the bloating. So, I've been researching and researching. I've come across that DUH! we do gain weight during our TOM (time of month) We can gain anywhere between 2-7 lbs! So, I'm guessing that is my problem. It's just aunt Flo!!
I've continued eating correctly, getting in my 8+ glasses of water and working out. Even though I know what the problem is now it's not helping me feel any better what so ever.
So, today I didn't think I was going to work out. I've been sitting at the computer beating myself up about this gain. I know I shouldn't be, but I just can't help it! What I did do was after I dropped my little guy off at pre-school I came home and got on the elliptical outside. I was only able to do 20 minutes because then it was time to go back and get him! Which, I'm never late for because I miss him something terrible when hes there. So within that 20 minutes I was able to burn 224 calories. It wasn't the number I was hoping for, but I managed to do something right?
So, I go off to retrieve my little guy and when I get home I decided I was going to go for a jog. I look outside and BAM its raining. As a matter of fact we have tornado watches out for our area until 6 pm. tonight. I pulled out the treadmill and busted my butt! I burned 342 calories in 34 minutes. I have this awesome little app on my ipod touch that's called "Couch to 5k". It has you walk to warm up, then jog for a minute and then walk for 1:30 seconds. Back and forth for 30 minutes and then theres a 5 minute cool down! It's actually really cool for the price! (99. cents_)
So, today's total calorie burn came out to 566 calories! Could have been better, but I consider it great since I wasn't even going to workout because I was dwelling on aunt Flo!
Now, I just have to play the waiting game. Wait for aunt Flo to make her visit, continue what I'm doing and hopefully watch the scale go DOWN.
I have a ton of calories left for the day and I have everything logged including my supper. I like to plan ahead because it helps me stay focused. I only have 4 glasses of water in right now though so I need to push that to at least 8 before bed time. I currently have a major headache right now though, so I'm about to try to relax and watch a little t.v :)
For more exciting news my Turbo fire is due to arrive at my house via Fed Ex Thursday morning! That's my volunteer day up at the school so I should have an awesome surprise on my desk when I get home at 11:30!! I'm starting the program Monday!!! I'll let you know how the first day is!
I hope everyone has had a great day today. I know that even though my day started out like crap, it gradually got better. Not the best day, but better than before!
So, how has your day been today? Are you stressing about anything? Just try to make the best of it and continue in everything that your doing! Remember.... it may be cloudy now, but it can't rain forever!

xxStay beautiful!

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