Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Turbo Fire arrived!

Hello dolls!
As you can tell by the title my Turbo Fire kit arrived today! I was getting ready to get on my treadmill when I looked out the front window and saw a white box... I run outside I didn't even expect it to be for me and on the side it said......"Get hot!" I knew it was my box then!! I ran in and I wanted to tear right into it, but I knew I wanted to run so I did my treadmill and then got off to open the box! Don't worry I took pics to show you what all is in the box and boy can I tell you I am freaking stoked to start this program Monday! Here's a few pictures of what it looks like!

This is what the box looks like when you open it! Does it not look so fresh and healthy! I felt like it was Christmas and was so excited!

Here you can see the 2 books, the 5 day inferno booklet, and the disc box there in the back. You get 11 disc in the set. 1 book explains all about the program and even gives you recommendations on shoes and types of clothing to wear.

                    It also came with this so you can record your measurements, but how     encouraging are those words! I loved that! It gets me very motivated and excited!

And last but not least here's the schedule so you can keep track of your workouts. I can't wait to have this hanging up beside my desk!

This weekend I plan on taking my dreaded before photo's. It's funny those photo's shouldn't be so dreaded anymore minus 55 pounds, but they are. I can't wait to watch my progress and feel the burn with this workout program! I'm very excited to start this and finish through. I believe it's 12 weeks. I can do this! 

On another note the scale was down a bit this morning to 149.9 and Aunt Flo made her dreaded visit with a bang. Cramps and bloating are still bad, but I'm just glad its here so I can move forward and maybe have a good weigh in next week! Now, I gotta run! I have to give the little man a bath and straighten my hair before bedtime. We have school tomorrow and I do mean WE. Tomorrow is my volunteer day so it will be a filled day with 11 pre-schoolers! Wish me luck :)

Stay beautiful,
   Brittany kay*

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