Sunday, October 3, 2010

Birthday for my little man!

Hello Dolls,
Today has been a very hectic and fun filled day! Today my little man turned four years old! Whew, I have no idea where the time as flown. It's gone by way too fast. I tried not to cry, but I choked up a few times. Dieting today didn't go to well, although I was under on calories ect.. I just ate stuff I do NOT eat. Like birthday cake, but hey I have to live a little bit right?
So anyways, this is going to be a short post. I feel like I'm getting sick again and I need all the sleep I can get because I'm starting Turbo Fire tomorrow!! So, I thought I would share some pictures from today!!

Landon man woke up this morning no longer a 3 year old, but a big 4 year old!! He's been running through the house all day screaming " I'm four, I'm four... wait am I still four?!" He is too funny. I swear this little man keeps me on my toes like no other.
Of course he woke up and started looking around the room searching for presents or how he says it "presnants!" he he he!! So we let him go at it and open his presents in his pajama's!! He loves Legos so he adores these batman and robin lego pj's!
Off to Dave and Buster's we went. We usually take him to Chuckie cheese's, but we figured this year the dining would be better for us adults while the kids could still get in some play time. Dave and Buster's was perfect. He really had an amazing time, but before we headed in I wanted to snap some pictures!!! Here's Landon man and his daddy outside of Dave and Buster's! Aren't they handsome?
I didn't get in any of the photo's because I was always behind the camera! Not because I was hiding, but because I had no one to take pictures. My husband broke his hand 2 weeks ago so he has a cast on and he couldn't really function my big camera!! I did manage to get this one which I think turned out nice!! Thank goodness I've lost 56 lbs. because I was finally happy when I quickly jumped up and grabbed the camera to see how the picture turned out. I can really see my progress here! Plus, Landon just looks too cute!
We finally got inside had our food and got into the gaming section. Landon loved it and he was saving ever single ticket for something special at the end of the day. This little booger ended up having 2,755 tickets!!! He got 2 stuffed animals. You know, they really rip you off on those points things. For a freaking lolly pop they were 700+ points?! sheeeeesh!!!
Landon and I also got this sketch photo taken of us. I just love it, I think it really came out great. I think we look a lot alike here! :)
After 4 hours we were ready to go and at first he wasn't, then I think he realized he had a big day and was tired himself!! So, daddy walked us out and I had to take this picture. Look at daddy admiring his big 4 year old man!!! I just love my boys :)

Okay, dolls, that's it for now!! Tonight at 12:38 I will be turning 21!! It's so crazy.. so I'm off to relax! Have an amazing weekend people!!!

Stay beautiful;
  xxxBrittany kay!

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