Sunday, October 10, 2010

Turbo Fire week 1......

Hello dolls,
This is going to be a short post because I am very tired! I just took my night time bath and I'm ready to lay down and relax, but I wanted to tune you guys in on my first week of Turbo Fire!! I'm so excited. I'm here to report that so far so good, I'm in love with it. I will not lie though it is VERY hard!

Day 1- Did good, Got a way with just a cramp burning 560 calories.
Day 2-was my first HIIT class, HIIT 15 and I felt like I was going to throw up, but I burned 370 calories. Day 3-went well, no problems
Day 4-Fire 55 EZ class, not it was NOT EZ, get it easy? Burned 866 calories!!
Day 5-I needed a rest day to let my body recover
Day 6-I took another rest day, body was sore!
Tomorrow is day 7 so technically my week 1 isn't over yet, but I was too excited so I had to post.

On Friday which is my official weigh in day I lost 1.1 lb. I was so ecstatic! I haven't had a good lost like that in weeks, except for the lost of water weight. Usually it's 0. something. So, I was very glad that I hung tight and finished through the workouts even when I felt like giving in. So, with that lost it put me at a total loss of 56.8 almost negative 57 pounds! It's unbelievable to me, but I am so very proud!

Tomorrow starts up a new week. This week will be a good week without having the days messed up. Since I didn't get to start on Monday which was my start day, I started on Tuesday and had to skip the Wednesday "rest day" so it kind of messed up the week, but tomorrow I am starting the week off right!!

Tomorrow's class is Turbo Fire-Fire 45 class+Stretch 10. I am pretty excited and am hoping to make a good burn. My body isn't too sore right now. I found an amazing bath salt that cost me 20 bucks, but it was well worth it. It's for sore muscles and it actually worked. So, my whole body is relaxed and I am ready to push play tomorrow afternoon.

I didn't have the best eating day yesterday and I made some poor food choices, but I know I will make up for that tomorrow and today's eating wasn't too terrible. I seem to be worse when my hubby is home. I love him being home, but for some reason he makes me feel like it's ok to splurge.

I hope everyone has had an amazing weekend and I hope your week starts off great tomorrow!!!

Stay beautiful,
   xxBrittany kayy :)

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